I really needed some time off the internet.
it was 3 months instead of 4 months, but it was good for me and my mental health because I learned things around the world that I thought I didn't know, I thought I was alone. Now I have a relationship that I think will last a long time and be very happy.
In the middle of New Year's Eve 2018, I was going through a horrible situation, I witnessed the death of my loved one who was brutally crushed, this disturbed my mind, it was something I didn't want to forget easily and it would take me time to get back to being mentally stable , for example, before returning to my hometown, I went to therapy in Switzerland, it was very good, I feel more confident in my safety and I have more courage to do things I had no idea about.
thank you to everyone who helped me
- BistecaViva
- Swiss Therapy
- My family
Tip: Don't watch BoJack Horseman